26 September 2010

Making Money With Affiliate Marketing

If you don't feel like you make enough money from Adsense, you could try out Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is a way to offer your readers a relevant product, they can buy. If a reader buys a product, you will earn comission. It is really very simple, but it can be hard to actually sell something from your site. To make a sell, it is important that you find products in the niche of your website. Eg if you write about fashion, you should find ads to show for clothing, accessories and so on.

If you find this interesting, you can check out 2 of the more famous affiliate marketing sites here;

Commision Junkie
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

2 Comments: on "Making Money With Affiliate Marketing"

Hemraj said...
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Shasing19 said...

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