17 January 2009

Use Google Trends to Attract Readers to Your Site

Google Trends is a GREAT way for you to follow the latest trends online, and use it to attract readers to your blog.

Google Trends is a tool that allows you to check out what people are searching for on the Google Search Engine. It even gives you the top 50-100 most searched for words/phrases online.
This allows you to be up front on your articles! You will now know what's popular here and now, and you can blog about it to attract readers. Write a good article, submit it to Digg, Reddit, Propeller etc. and if you have the right topic, you can attract thousands of readers to your site. Might be good for your AdSense account as well!

Good luck.
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

3 Comments: on "Use Google Trends to Attract Readers to Your Site"

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I didn't even know Google trend existed. I will do keyword research on it.

Beben Koben said...

great blog...
nice to meet you ^^

Antriksh Yadav said...

Pretty good idea. Visit my blog too at http://right-now-in-tech.blogspot.com